Childhood obesity is the one of the serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global affecting both the high and low income countries particularly in urban setting for stop the incidence of childhood and adolescence obesity has prepared over the last few years. The incidence is around 25-30% in US.
In India a recent survey of school going children showed one in every third child is overweight. Incidents in India where is from 11-20% off with more prevalence in urban areas and more among boys.
Wrong diet and sedentary lifestyle are the prime culprits for rise in obesity. Increased consumption of colas, burgers, pizzas, popcorn, sweets and other high calorie ready to eat meals combined with decreased physical activity and outdoor games has led to obesity among young children.
The likelihood of obesity in children increases if parents are obese due to genetic cause or shared family environment which is faulty. Other rare causes include include endocrine dysfunction as in hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome or physiological factors like depression or eating disorder.
The immediate consequence of obesity among children is physiological. These children develop low self esteem leading to depression , social isolation or other abnormal behaviour patterns.
Diseases associated with childhood obesity are development of insulin resistance and diabetes type 2 as early as 6 years cardiovascular compliance like hypertension and stroke. Increased load on joint leads to joint. Also there may be restrictive and obstructive airway decreases like asthma, snoring and sleep apnea and hypoventilation syndrome. Female obese adolescent develop menstrual disturbance and because obese children develop into obese adults, higher chance is there for premature death and disability in adulthood.
It is important that we consider a obesity a serious disease and not a laughing matter.
It is time to raise awareness regarding obesity and its complications among patients and their families, to identify high risk obese people and to offer a proper treatment modality.
Treatment plants should include reasonable weight loss goals. Their diet and physical activity if required lifestyle modification and involvement of the whole family.
Prevention of childhood obesity starts before birth of that child. An obese parent predisposes to obese children hence weight loss before planning a pregnancy should be ideal. Excess weight gain during pregnancy should be avoided. Parents should pay importance to the diet from the beginning. Do not force the child to eat, avoid prepared and sugared foods and give light home cooked Fresh Food.
Limit the amount of high calorie “snacks” kept at home, do not use sweets for comfort or reward. Healthy diet habits include fibrous fruits, whole grain nuts and vegetables should be followed by whole family.
Sedentary activities like watching TV and video games should be limited and outdoor games encourage. Parents should act as as role models by taking up some form of exercise for sports, using staircase, walking etc. In spite of organized attempts at weight loss for at least six months when weight loss does not occur and a person is having significant obesity associated diseases, surgery remains the last resort.
Bariatric surgery is done laparoscopically and is well tolerated by young adults with speedy recovery. After surgery, besides significant weight loss it gives sustained weight maintenance and resolution of obesity associated diseases like diabetes, hypertension, joint pain etc. with marked improvement in quality of life. Adolescence and young adults represent the future task force of a nation. It is our duty to see that we raise a healthy future generation.
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