“Just eat less and move more” sufficient advice to treat obesity.
So move more means physical exercises. That plays a crucial role in the success of weight loss program post of the surgery.
Physical exercise is a bodily activity that develops and maintains physical fitness and overall health that requires energy expenditure. It is often practiced to strengthen muscles, the cardiovascular system weight loss or maintenance, and to create athletic skills.
Physical exercise benefits
Physical exercise contributes positively to maintaining healthy weight, building muscles, maintaining healthy bone density, muscle strength, joint mobility, promoting physiological well-being, reducing surgical risks, and strengthening the immune system.
Frequent and regular exercise has been shown to help prevent or treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, insomnia, and depression.
Some of the types of exercises and other activities that one should keep in mind after surgery are as follows:
Special consideration
As obese people carry more weight therefore whenever they participate in any physical exercise they feel stressed and tired as most of the stress comes on their ankles, knees, hips and lower back. Thus, it is the must for the obese people that primarily they must focus on low impact jogging, slow workouts, etc. The continuous workout will certainly help obese people to get a good result.
Low impact cardio
Cardio exercises has turned up as the best way to reduce the fat by burning calories. It includes Aerobic exercise. In this itis any physical activity that uses large muscle groups and causes your body to use more oxygen than it would while resting. The goal of aerobic exercise is to increase cardiovascular endurance. Examples of aerobic exercise include cycling, swimming, brisk walking, skipping rope, rowing, hiking, playing tennis, continuous training, water aerobics and long slow distance training can be incorporated daily. Each of these exercises is quite effective and brings unbelievable results.
Strength training
Strength training is a process in which the muscles get lean and offers an increase in metabolism. Increased metabolic rate enables the patient to burn more calories and keeps your body toned. So, obese people must get engaged in weight training machines which don’t allow people to get much impact over the joints. It is also called anaerobic exercise or Resistance training. Examples of strength moves are pushups, lunges, and bicep curls using dumbbells. Anaerobic exercise also include weight training, functional training, eccentric training, Interval training, sprinting and high-intensity interval training increase short-term muscle strength.
Flexibility exercises
Stretch and lengthen your muscles. Activities such as stretching help to improve joint flexibility and keep muscles limber. The goal is to improve the range of motion which can reduce the chance of injury.
Daily activity
Daily activity can contribute to reducing the number of calories and get the best result by incorporating it into the daily routine. For example use staircase instead of escalators to reach the office, home, etc.
Each of these activities is quite helpful & effective and offers a great result to obese people. One just needs to get determined towards each of these activities and patiently look for better results. One can also consult the experienced professionals to get guidance about perfect exercise meant for you.