Win The Battle Against Obesity 


Obesity as an epidemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the obesity as an epidemic and as the largest global chronic health problem in adult. Obesity is estimated to be the number two killer disease of 21st century.

According to National Institute of Health (NIH), as increase of 20% or more above your ideal body weight is the point at which excess weight becomes a health risk. South Asian population is genetically different from Western population and they carry more risk of health at even low level of obesity.

Obesity leads to a multitude of serious problems like diabetes, high level of cholesterol, High blood pressure and heart disease. Heavy snoring, Breathlessness and sleep apnea, joint pain, swollen legs and varicose veins, inability or decreased ability to produce child by altering necessary hormones, fat deposition in liver, increased risk to develop certain cancer etc.

Obesity leads to low level of self-esteem and depression. They are all responsible for reduced life expectancy and impaired quality of life. Diabetes and obesity almost go hand in hand- nearly 80% of diabetics are overweight and 40% obese are diabetics as well. Body mass index along with waist circumference and waist hip ratio are important tools to judge the severity of obesity. Body mass index (BMI) is calculated by formula weight (kg )/ height (m*m). normal range of BMI is between 18 to 25.

  1. Balance diet and proper exercise are very effective when body mass index is less than 30.
  2. Intragastric balloon is an excellent option for a person who is highly motivated for changing lifestyle and BMI is below 35.
  3. For morbid obesity (BMI more than 35,) NIH consensus has concluded that Bariatric surgery is the only effective treatment for long-term and sustained weight loss which results in improvement and/or resolution of co morbid conditions, improved quality of life, self-esteem and increase in longevity.

Win the battle against obesity

Bariatric surgery is Key hole surgery and can now be safely performed by laparoscopic approach. Patients suffering from morbid obesity stand to benefit tremendously by laparoscopic surgery thus decreasing the hospital stay, minimizing pain and early return to activity. It requires 3 night stay in hospital and off work for one week. It is a very patient friendly procedure with tiny cuts on the abdominal wall hence and excellent cosmetic result (only few tiny puncture marks) with very little pain.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (reducing stomach size by stapling) and gastric bypass (bypassing part of intestine) are most widely accepted weight loss surgery.

Laparoscopic sleeve has emerged as a Highly popular and successful surgery for morbid obesity. The patient feels full after just few bites of food does decreasing the intake and resulting in the weight loss. Results of bariatric surgery are far superior to body shaping procedures like tummy tuck and liposuction when it is indicated. After Bariatric surgery, not only person can reduce body weight by 60% to 80% of their excess body weight but also can achieve cure rate of 85 to 93% in diabetes (type 2), 90% in breathless sleep apnea, 80% in infertility. 80% of obese person are highly benefited in high blood pressure high levels of lipids cholesterol and joint pains. Almost all the patients are benefited in problems like swollen legs and psycho-social status. 

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